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Elul Pre-New Year Healing Service

Thursday, September 19, 2024 16 Elul 5784

7:00 PM - 7:45 PMTemple Beth Abraham and Zoom

Every new year brings us face-to-face with both possibilities and pain. For ourselves or for people we love there may be physical pains or illness, which bring uncertainty about the year ahead. There may be emotional pain, from mental illness, from ongoing struggles in life, or as we recall people no longer with us.

This year in particular brings the wounds and losses related to October 7 and the war that has followed, including blows to hopes and visions of peace and coexistence. The healing service is an opportunity to bring these pains and prayers before the Divine, to see that we are not alone in seeking healing and peace, and to be there for others in their own prayers. To receive a blessing even in a narrow place. Some people find that a service like this makes it easier to come to the bigger, louder services that are coming soon.

The service includes readings, melodies, meditation, and silence. You can speak out loud or have prayers in your heart, however you choose. We will say Sh'ma and Mourners' Kaddish and blow the shofar, as we would at the regular daily service.

The service is led by Laura Hegfield, Beth Abraham member and spiritual teacher who leads our Menuchat Ha-Lev meditations.

This will be in TBA's Chapel and our regular services Zoom.

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Thu, September 19 2024 16 Elul 5784