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Daffodil Project

Monday, October 9, 2023 24 Tishrei 5784

11:00 AM - 2:00 PM

Mission:  The Daffodil Project aspires to build a worldwide Living Holocaust Memorial by planting 1.5 million Daffodils in memory of the children who perished in the Holocaust and in support for children suffering in humanitarian crises in the world today.

Why daffodils?  The shape and color of the daffodils represent the yellow stars that Jews were forced to wear during the Holocaust. Yellow is the color of remembrance. Daffodils represent our poignant hope for the future. They are resilient and return with a burst of color each spring, signifying hope, renewal and beauty. The daffodils also honor those who survived the Holocaust and went on to build new lives after this dark and difficult period.

Why should Temple Beth Abraham participate in the Daffodil Project? TBA has a long history of Holocaust education, through annual Yom Hashoah events and book discussions. As a matter of fact, last year’s Yom Hashoah commemoration included a dance performance portraying children’s experiences under Nazi rule.  For the TBA community, this project offers everybody — regardless of age or personal history — a chance to participate in making our already beautiful campus even lovelier.

Costs: Am Yisrael Chai, the Atlanta based organization sponsoring the project, provides 250 daffodils and a sign free of charge. We are obligated to plant 250 additional bulbs; we paid $100 for these bulbs (the bulbs plus shipping charges). These charges were paid for by the Green Garden Fund.  We also have to cover the costs of soil enhancing products. Members of the TBA community are welcome to donate to the Green Garden Fund to show support for the Daffodil Project.

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